Janet has a real depth of experience and a beautiful ability to teach each class with clarity and in an organized fashion. It was also very helpful to have the course manual. Pus, the sharing in the classes added to the richness of the course experience.
Janet's years of shared experience was priceless and in itself worth the price of the course. I really appreciated the examples that Janet shared: i.e., at this stage in the Exercises, expect resistance, etc.
I gained a greater understanding about the "Weeks" of the Spiritual Exercises and a deeper knowledge of the 19th Annotation. I would take this course again to continue growing in my understanding.
The depth and beauty of Janet’s presentations were powerful for me, allowing me to wade into the deep. Charisse’s tech savvy and Janet’s teaching were a perfect match. I felt very supported and loved. Thank you from the depths of my being!
Janet's course helped me to grow in my understanding of the Spiritual Exercises, how I have changed, and the increased confidence I now have to give the Exercises.
I really appreciated Janet's examples and the opportunity to hear about other's experiences. The whole course provided me with so much clarity for what I had personally experienced. Truthfully, here is the VERY BEST! In the 9th week, I was struck with the realization that our everyday life is a reflection of the Spiritual Exercises. Janet's course helped me to see that the Exercises are for our reality and to discover where Christ is in that reality.
This course was helpful for me to better understand the overview of the weeks and the graces that accompany them. I enjoyed the depth of understanding for each week and its particular characteristics.